Board Committee

The Company has an optimum combination of executive and non-executive directors in its Board and comprises of Six Directors, each having expertise in their field of operation including one Woman Director and not less than 50% of the board of directors comprises of non-executive directors.

The Chairman of the Board is Executive Director and there is optimum combination of not less than 50% of the board of directors comprises of Non-Independent directors.



1. Audit Committee

DINNameDesignationPosition in Committee
10666393Dhanpat Singh JainAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorChairman
10666423Ashok Kumar SethiaAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorMember
06646553Ashkaran BothraManaging DirectorMember

2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee

DINNameDesignationPosition in Committee
10666423Ashok Kumar SethiaAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorChairman
10666393Dhanpat Singh JainAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorMember
10670220Divyesh Kirtikumar ChhatbarAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorMember

3. Stakeholders Relationship Committee

DINNameDesignationPosition in Committee
10670220Divyesh Kirtikumar ChhatbarAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorChairman
10666393Dhanpat Singh JainAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorMember
10666423Ashok Kumar SethiaAdditional Non-Executive Independent DirectorMember